à la uneCameroun

The Campaign Trail

As we remember all the wonderful things this campaign has brought us for the coming year 2025, we are culturally ready and easily equipped to receive newly elected President Frank Emmanuel Biya for the nation of Cameroon. We hope that His Excellency Frank Biya will take his new wife Sharon with him in all his endeavors once he takes his presidential seat.

The region of Maroua, Garoua has seen violent clashes, but we hope to ensure the safety of Mr. Biya in Limbe and Buea during his travels with his wife Sharon.

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Robust cultural celebrations have been and have been taking place in the Maroua Garoua region which has seen this year and last year in particular we have seen Presidential celebrations in outdoor colors for people to enjoy in the region from Maroua / Garoua.

On the theme Marriage and Culture. They actually say that marriage is a culture. It is a magnificent tone to launch Biya’s campaign. The hills and valleys of the real victories of Cameroonians have been in minor ways, but we will give an example, as the future president-elect of Cameroon Frank Biya takes his presidential seat alongside his wife Madam Sharon Alenda as the next First Lady of Cameroon while His Excellency Frank Emanuel Biya being the incumbent and sitting President of Cameroon as the year 2025 approaches. Our future President Elect of Cameroon Frank Emmanuel Biya has been asked to introduce himself in a proper diplomatic manner to succeed the former Biya administration, in which the former Biya administration had years of detention in Africa and Europe. When you look at the quality of what Frank Biya’s new wife, Sharon, brings to the table, you think a lot will be changed for a better Cameroon and a successful nation. His Excellency Frank Emanuel Biya has sweetened the reign over Cameroon and Sharon, Frank Emanuel Biya’s new wife, has propelled him to a handsome presidential throne in West Africa.

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